List of Mega64 episodes (season 1)

Mega64 is a DVD-exclusive series that can be only purchased on their website. The show has a story that is based around the characters playing video games in real life. The "real" video games are usually just the characters out in public acting out the video game. This is a summary of the first DVD, entitled "Mega64: Version 1". For a list of the skits on the show, see the List of Mega64 skits.


Episode 1: Life Inside A Console

The show begins in the apartment of Dr. Poque, an ex-video game programmer turned mad scientist who claims to have created the "greatest thing to happen to video gaming since Bubble Bobble". He calls it the Mega64, a revolutionary system that uses virtual reality helmets to download any video game into the user's brain and memories. It also plays movies, sends faxes, does advanced probability calculations, and has a spacious storage compartment.

To Poque’s great frustration however, he is unable to sell his system to any video game companies, getting the same response from each of them: that tapping into the minds of children is too risky. Desperate for the success of his invention, Poque sought out video game nerds all across the Internet, offering the chance to beta test an innovative new system. Unbeknownst to them, it's all a trap. Poque captures all who show and they are imprisoned in a vast dungeon deep under his apartment complex. Though given food and living quarters, they are forced to undergo his digital experiments day in and day out. Through these experiments, Poque seeks to find the one video game no player wishes to leave, and then unleash it onto the public to gain total world domination.

Though a vast number of subjects endure these experiments, the show follows the day-to-day life of Rocko and Derek, who Poque seems to show a particular interest in.

Rocko and Derek begin their digital misadventures with Super Mario Bros. and Kid Icarus, before Derek can't take it anymore. Poque, seeing himself as a merciful man, allows Rocko and Derek a break from experiments and they are introduced to one of their fellow subjects, Sean.

Sean is in charge of delivering Rocko and Derek e-mail from other test subjects like them. The concept of Sean’s job is really only used as a method of introducing the character, and after the first episode, Rocko and Derek seldom answer any other e-mails.

Sean presents himself as a sort of awkwardly psychotic individual. Immediately after his introduction Sean becomes one of the show's less explained enigmas, at least for now. Rocko and Derek go on to test an additional game, this one created specifically for the Mega64 by an independent company called Suxxor Games. The game XXX, Y takes an extreme and/or totally radical approach to graphing, and then by suggestion of Rocko, the two delve into the world of Banjo Kazooie. Rocko realizes that some positive can come out of their fate to test the Mega64, and that someday they will defeat Poque, because good always overcomes evil. The episode ends with a confusing epilogue by a Sombrero Guy, and when Rocko asks, "Um, who are you?" the man just takes his hat off and gloomily walks away. [1]

Episode 2: I Feel Asleep

The episode starts with a conversation between Derek and Rocko where Rocko draws a picture of his girlfriend for Derek and the two find a bloody knife on the floor which is never explained.

After Dr. Poque puts up a "BRB" sign, Marcus is introduced to the show. Marcus is a puppet and also Dr. Poque's assistant. He refers to almost everyone as "son" and has an extremely deep voice. The scene ends with Rocko and Derek beating up Marcus.

After a session of Punch-Out!!, it is revealed that the food supply has been cut off from the dungeon. Marcus shows up and reveals that he knows how to find out what's wrong, by logging into Dr. Poque's camera network setup. Marcus gives them the password, which is Dr. Poque's first name. We do not hear it, but Rocko says it sounds like "some kind of butt disease." They manage to get the camera working again, only to see Dr. Poque's hispanic roommate, Horatio. Horatio always wears a hat, a blue jogging suit, and dark sunglasses. He is constantly annoying and stealing from Dr. Poque.

Horatio reveals that he accidentally opened a spam e-mail that downloaded a virus to the central computer which is cutting off the food supply. Rocko voulenteers to go into the Mega64 to terminate the virus. Rocko ends up getting captured by the virus, and Dr. Poque downloads a codec to erase the virus, but he can't find it. So Derek goes into Metal Gear Solid as Solid Snake in order to sneak his way around a grocery store and find the codec. However, as Snake, Derek is too obsessed with instead locating and destroying Metal Gear than finding the codec, and fails the mission. Sean then goes into the game as Raiden and finds the codec, thus returning the virus to its human form. [2]

Episode 3: Poque

The episode starts with a mysterious figure explaining his hatred for Dr. Poque. It goes into a Shenmue skit, then Derek and Rocko reveal that there is a big invention Dr. Poque's been waiting to show them. As Dr. Poque is telling them about it, he gets a mysterious message from a hacker. He passes on the new project to Marcus.

Marcus reveals that the new invention is a multiplayer add-on. Derek and Rocko go into a game of Super Dodge Ball with other Mega64 gamers. After the game, Derek and Rocko get a mysterious call from a man calling himself Tony tellin them to "Eat at Joe's." After telling him he has the wrong number, he screams and hangs up.

Meanwhile, back at the hideout... Dr. Poque figures out that the hacker go in through the new network adapter they installed. Dr. Poque gets Horatio to go set up a firewall. The hacker then reveals himself to Dr. Poque as "tr1gg3r s3r1ou5!!!!1" (his real name is Rion Specter). He insults the Mega64, saying that all console games are inferior to PC games. After revealing that he's never heard of the Dreamcast, Dr. Poque insists on giving him a lesson through a music video, "Nuttin' But A Dreamcast", a parody of Dr. Dre's "Nuthin' But a "G" Thang". The video is concluded with a guest-appearance by Hunkty Krunkty, a fictional rapper in the Mega64 Universe.

After the music video, the hacker tells Dr. Poque that he hacked the Mega64 and that when Derek and Rocko go into it next, he's going to kill them. He loads up Duke Nukem Forever with God mode in order to kill them. But at the last second, Dr. Poque breaks back in and loads the hacker, Derek and Rocko into Street Fighter II, in which Derek and Rocko beat up Rion, and he is left trapped in the game, seemingly forgotten about.

Horatio comes back saying he put the firewall up, and that Dr. Poque might need a new car, never explaining what happened to the car. Sean then comes in and asks if Derek and Rocko got a phone call, they say that some guy called telling them to "eat at Joe's, and his name was Tony." Sean suddenly has a flashback where Tony comes into his house and kills his girlfriend because he didn't eat at Joe's, threatening to "kill all the people he loves."[3]

Episode 4: The Gangs Returned To Class And Became Honor Students

The episode starts out with a rainy nighttime sequence where Horatio is dragging some heavy bags around a house. It is unexplained for now.

Three days earlier, Dr. Poque gets an e-mail from a "big gaming company that has much interest in his product." After a Tetris game, Derek and Rocko get pranked by Horatio. Sean hears the word "prank" and rushes in, Horatio and Sean argue about who is the better prankster, Sean eventually leaves, warning them of "Sean's Prank Assault."

Dr. Poque then tells the crew that he got an e-mail saying a representative from a big video game company is coming in three days to take a tour of his console testing lair and preview the Mega64. Horatio brings out a muffin to give to Dr. Poque to celebrate, but there is a razor blade in it, revealing it to be a prank. Dr. Poque recovers from this incident and starts preparing for their visitor. He tells Derek and Rocko to "watch a movie" to kill some time. They are shown a trailer of Super Mario Bros. the Movie 2: Bloodlust, a fictional movie.

Dr. Poque realizes that the apartment is extremely messy and suspicious. He asks Horatio to clean it up, and decides that if the representative gets too suspicious, Horatio is going to kill the representative off when he hears the code word "Delaware". He then asks Derek and Rocko to come up with a game where there's a peaceful community, to show off the Mega64's capabilities. Derek suggests River City Ransom and they are loaded into the game.

When they exit the game, their faces have sharpie on them, another prank by Horatio. Dr. Poque walks back into his room to find mousetraps everywhere, which he quickly gets injured by. Rocko then does another session of Shenmue. Dr. Poque then decides, because he is covered in bandages, to get someone who looks like him to pretend to be him. Despite Rocko's obvious resembalance, he chooses Marcus.

Dr. Poque is about to train Marcus in how to act like him when the representative, Rick, shows up. Confused, Dr. Poque learns that Horatio has been putting sleeping pills into his drinks and turning all the clocks backwards, so while Dr. Poque thinks it's been one day, it's really already been three, revealing yet another prank.

Marcus, posing as Dr. Poque, gives Rick a tour of the apartment after they watch a Mega64 Console Commercial and another commercial for the Mega64 version of Soul Calibur II, with a new hidden character, Star Wars Kid.

After Rick says he needs to talk the offer over with his associates in Delaware, Horatio bursts out of a pile of dirty laundry and beats him to death with a hammer. He leaves to get a buzzsaw and some trash bags, thus explaining the beginning of the episode. Sean comes in laughing saying that he pranked Dr. Poque, that Rick was actually his brother and he made up the whole e-mail and big video game company in order to get the location of the Compound. Sean then realizes that his brother has been killed and the episode ends with him crying and screaming.[4]

Episode 5: Eyes of Skull Has A Secret

The episode starts with Sean and a mysterious masked man (called The Specter) having a conversation in an unspecified dining room. The Specter tells Sean that he can change his fate, then he suddenly is awoken by Rocko and Derek, revealing the sequence to possibly be a dream. Sean starts telling Rocko and Derek about the dream but they're uninterested so Sean hides behind the Mega64 to sulk.

As Rocko and Derek are about to load WarioWare, Sean comes in with a pizza and a soda, trying to prove that he is fun. He then throws the soda at the Mega64, causing it to fry while Derek and Rocko are connected. Dr. Poque angrily tells Sean to leave the project for good. Dr. Poque is about to unplug them when he sees readings he's never seen before, saying that they're "merging with the programming." He insists on leaving them connected for the sake of science, while Horatio leaves and tries to come up with a way to stop Poque.

Dr. Poque sees that Rocko and Derek's minds are projecting "gibberish." Among this gibberish is a trailer for a fictional video game called Aggressive Caroling, a fictional PSA for Rabies, and a skit for Frogger.

Meanwhile, Horatio figures out that if they blow up the Core of the Mega64 then the system will reset back to zero. He calls Sean to ask him to go inside and hit the Core. Sean is walking through the tunnels beneath Dr. Poque's apartment. He is sitting in a corner sulking when Marcus shows up and comforts him. Marcus leaves and The Specter shows up. He hands Sean a gold helmet so he can enter the Mega64.

As he hands him the helmet, the power in the compound goes out and Sean is loaded into The Legend of Zelda as Link. Sean's signal is "the most powerful energy signal ever detected inside the Mega64." As Link, Sean finds the Core, and despite being shot by Dr. Poque, who goes into the Mega64 to stop Sean, he manages to destroy the Core.

After the Mega64 resets, Derek and Rocko find themselves in the dining room that Sean and The Specter were in earlier. Dr. Poque is there too, and before performing a system reset that sends them back into the Dungeon, he says "You weren't supposed to find out about this place."

Derek and Rocko come out of the Mega64 in the Dungeon and decide that Dr. Poque must be connected to the Mega64 somehow and they intend to find out so they can find a way out of there. They realize that Sean isn't there, and Sean is shown walking down an unknown road, still dressed as Link.

Several days later... all seems to be okay with Derek and Rocko. Meanwhile, Dr. Poque goes to meet with two mysterious men, Kain and Wanser. It is suggested that they are representatives from a company that Dr. Poque is working for. They state that "the council" is "less than pleased" with his progress. Dr. Poque apologizes and promises he won't make the same mistakes again. As Poque is walking away, his internal monologue is interrupted by the Sombrero Guy. Dr. Poque yells at him and he walks away dejected.[5]
